マンガ・パンデミック in progressManga Pandemic in progress

An exhibition of specially commissioned
works on the theme of ‘manga pandemic’.
2020 9.11 Fri – 12.25 Fri
会期延長The duration of the exhibition has been extended.
応募者数:341人Number of manga fever cases: 341
The call for submissions has ended.
本展の共催者である「平和のための博物館国際ネットワーク」(International Network of Museums for Peace、 INMP)では、「第10回国際平和博物館会議」を9月16日(水)にオンライン形式で京都から発信する準備を進めています。 その催しの一環として、ヴァーチャル空間で「平和を展示する」ことを目的に、「マンガ」が持つ自由自在な表現力と国際的な拡張力に着目して、この展覧会は企画されました。
International Network of Museums for Peace (INMP), one of the organizers of this exhibition, is preparing to hold the 10th International Conference of Museums for Peace, as a virtual-online asynchronous conference on September 16 (Wed), from Kyoto. This exhibition is planned as a part of the event, focusing on the expressive and expanding power of manga, with a purpose of “exhibiting peace” in a virtual space.
In the present-day peace studies, peace is redefined as absence of violence rather than absence of war, and here, violence implies a cause that obstructs the full bloom of human abilities. It can be starvation, poverty, social discrimination, suppression of human rights, environmental destruction, delays of welfare, education and medical care or others. In this way, violence in different shapes exists in our daily life, not somewhere removed from us.
At this moment, a new type of violence is occurring in Japan and abroad because of the novel corona virus epidemic. There are many situations that threaten human life and dignity, such as discrimination and prejudice against infected people, pressure on medical facilities due to political situations, and deterioration of labor environments because of stagnating economies.
In these circumstances, we decided to open this exhibition online to show manga works created with unfettered ideas, immediately and internationally. Moreover, submitted works during the exhibition period will be showcased on the webpage immediately upon arrival, instead of first collecting works and then opening the completed online exhibition. This is because people’s opinions on what is accurate could change daily and we want to represent contributors’ ideas as close to real-time as possible.
No one knows by what kind of artists nor how many works this “Manga Pandemic Web Exhibition” will contain. It is possible that the exhibition will not be complete by lack of submissions. Nevertheless, we, organizers believe that the instantaneous and spreading power of manga can help us combat the virus.
Anyone in the world can submit their works for the exhibition. You might develop a fever for manga, but please join us in promoting peace through this project!
An exhibition of specially commissioned
works on the theme of ‘manga pandemic’.
江戸期の浮世絵や明治期の諷刺画など過去に描かれたマンガミュージアム所蔵資料から 、「マンガ・パンデミック」をテーマにした作品とみなしたものを紹介します。
Introducing historical works from the Manga Museum’s collection considered ‘manga pandemic’ themed, including ukiyo-e woodblock prints from the Edo period, and satirical cartoons from the Meiji period.
Go to Gallery2主催:平和のための博物館国際ネットワーク/京都精華大学国際マンガ研究センター
ロゴデザイン:安齋肇/坂本志保 イラスト:しりあがり寿
Organized by: The International Network of Museums for Peace / Kyoto Seika University International Manga Research Center
Co-organized by: The Kyoto International Manga Museum / Ritsumeikan University International Peace Museum
Exhibition advisors: Shiriagari Kotobuki (manga artist) / Anzai Hajime (illustrator)
Logotype: Anzai Hajime / Sakamoto Shiho Illustration: Shiriagari Kotobuki