マンガ・パンデミックWeb展 Manga Pandemic Web Exhibition



An exhibition of specially commissioned works on the theme of ‘‘pandemic’, ‘peace’ and ‘pandemic + peace’.

パンデミック+平和 Pandemic + Peace=応募作品 / Entries

[無題] / [Untitled]
[無題] / [Untitled]
[無題] / [Untitled]
[無題] / [Untitled]
[無題] / [Untitled]
東京オリンピック×コロナウイルス -4.0 レジリエンスの覚醒
Termination of the Pandemic
Pandemic and Peace
Pandemic and Peace
War Aat
Corona Is Swept Away by the Dove of Peace
Peace and Health
[無題] / [Untitled]
[無題] / [Untitled]
[無題] / [Untitled]
With and Without
Pandemic & Peace
Pandemic & Peace
Unity, Struggle, Solidarity